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Rebel Intra-Group Politics

I also study how rebel groups manage and deter intra-group dissent and the politics of role allocation in rebel organizations.


*** Please do not cite my unpublished work without permission. Please contact me at for manuscripts.

Combatant Social Embeddedness and Promotion to Leadership Roles in Rebel Organizations

Working Paper



Scholars have advanced numerous explanations for rebels’ recruitment practices, yet, how rebel organizations coordinate role allocation among their recruits is still largely a black-box. Similarly, the role of mid-ranking commanders within rebel organizations has been extensively theorized, yet we have little understanding of which combatants have a greater chance of ascending to mid-ranking leadership positions. I examine promotion to mid-ranking leadership positions, using original combatant-level data on the PKK’s (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) fallen fighters. I find strong empirical support for my central argument that combatant social embeddedness holds significant consequences for role allocation within rebel organizations: combatants, who have stronger community ties to rebels’ local constituency, prior non-violent activist ties to the broader rebel movement, and existing family ties to the rebel group are more likely to ascend to mid-ranking commandership positions.

Rank‑and‑File Soldier Defections Across Rebel Organizations (with Finn Klebe)

Research in Progress




Rebel Strategies for Managing Intra‑Group Dissent

Research in Progress




Combatant Networks Within Rebel Organizations: Who Fights Alongside Whom (with Jared Edgerton)

Research in Progress




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